New Partial Credit - Select Part Line Screen

Use this screen to select a parts line in order to create the credit memo Partial Credit.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
(document header) The blue document header displays the repair order summary information on the New Partial Credit screen: RO Number, Owner, Vehicle (year, make, model), Estimator, Insurance, and VIN.
Search by Part Number Enter some or all of the part number in this field to perform a search.
Search (magnifying glass button) This button executes a search using the search criteria you entered.
Part Number The available part number information for each part line is displayed in this column.
Description The line item description information is displayed in this column.
Part Type The type of part is displayed in this column.
Invoice Number The invoice number associated with the part line.
Received This column lists the quantity of the part line.
Unit Cost $ This is the invoice part cost amount.
Extended Cost $ This is the unit cost amount multiplied by the received quantity of the part line.
OK Saves the selected part line.
Cancel Closes the screen without any changes.

See Also

Creating a Partial Credit From a Workfile

Assigning Labor in a Partial Credit







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